Courses for prospective studentsKolleg für deutsche Sprache und Kultur

At the Kolleg für deutsche Sprache und Kultur (KSK) of the International Study Centre (ISZ) of Heidelberg University, you can acquire the German language proficiency that is required to study at German universities.

Who is eligible to attend the courses?

Participation is possible for prospective students with foreign direct university entrance qualifications ("direct HZB") or with foreign indirect university entrance qualifications ("indirect HZB"), i.e. without direct university access.

Prospective students with foreign direct university entrance qualifications ("direct HZB")

Your route:

  1. You attend our German language courses, typically up to level C1, and then take the DSH exam with us.
  2. You start your degree programme at a German university (e.g. at Heidelberg University).

Please note
Please contact the university of your choice in due time to find out about the admission procedure and the requirements for your planned degree programme.

Prospective students with foreign indirect university entrance qualifications ("indirect HZB"), i.e. without direct access to higher education

Your route:

  1. You attend our German language courses, typically up to level B2.
  2. You attend a Studienkolleg (e.g. the Studienkolleg of Heidelberg University) and complete it by taking the Assessment Examination ("Feststellungsprüfung", Assessment Examination at the Studienkolleg of Heidelberg University). 
  3. You start your degree programme at a German university (e.g. at Heidelberg University)

Please note
Please contact the university of your choice in due time to find out about the admission procedure and the requirements for both your planned degree programme and the Studienkolleg.

You can use the anabin online service (German language only) to check whether you have a direct or indirect university entrance qualification: Click “Schulabschlüsse mit Hochschulzugang” → “Suchen” → select the country of your diploma/certificate → select your diploma/certificate.

Do you need to learn German not for university studies in Germany but for a job or for other reasons? If so, you should contact a private language school.

Which courses are offered?

The Kolleg für deutsche Sprache und Kultur offers German language courses at all levels - starting with absolute beginners' courses for students with no knowledge of German (CEFR A1) up to DSH preparation courses for advanced learners (CEFR C1). If you apply successfully, you will first take a placement test. This test determines the course level you will be starting at:


Basic Level 1 (CEFR A1)
20 classes per week of general German language instruction
Basic Level 2 (CEFR A2)
20 classes per week of general German language instruction
Basic Level 3 (CEFR A2.2-B1.1)
20 classes per week of general German language instruction
Intermediate Level 1 (CEFR B1)
20 classes per week of general German language instruction
Intermediate Level 2 (CEFR B2)
20 classes per week of general German language instruction
Advanced Level (CEFR C1 = DSH preparation course)

 20 classes per week of general German language instruction

+ 4 classes per week of oral communication training and preparation for the oral examination

When and where do the courses take place?


Max-Weber-Haus, Ziegelhäuser Landstraße 17, 69120 Heidelberg

Class times

Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, in summer semesters for advanced-level courses in part also in the afternoon

Dates for the summer semester 2024


Final day of classes
26 Jul 2024

Dates for the winter semester 2024-25


No classes
23 Dec 2024 to 06 Jan 2025

How much is the course fee?

If you apply successfully, the following costs will arise:

  • Course fee:1,300 per semester *
  • University fees

* The course fee must be paid completely via bank transfer before the start of the courses. Successful applicants will receive more detailed information on the payment procedure with our letter of admission.

How to apply?

You can apply for a course only during the relevant application period. Please send us your application documents by post. It is not possible to apply by e-mail.

Winter semester courses

Application period: 01 May to 30 June * 
We will be sending our decision to you towards the end of August.

Summer semester courses

Application period: 01 Nov to 31 Dec *
We will be sending our decision to you towards the end of February.

* Receipt of the application at the ISZ

You must apply directly with us at the International Study Centre. Please note the information on the information sheet and the application form

Please send your application to our address:
Kolleg für deutsche Sprache und Kultur
Ziegelhäuser Landstraße 17
69120 Heidelberg

For questions on the courses and the application:

Tel.: +49 6221 54-5949

What do our students say?

»Nach drei Semestern im Max-Weber-Haus kam ich zu einer abschließenden Meinung zu diesem Institut, die meinen gesamten Verlauf widerspiegelt: es ist eine Umgebung, in der ich mich immer sicher, verstanden und zugehört gefühlt habe. Daher bin ich mit meiner Entscheidung, in Heidelberg bei Ihnen Deutsch zu lernen, sehr zufrieden!«

After three semesters at the Max Weber House, I came to a final opinion of this institute that reflects my entire course: it is an environment in which I always felt safe, understood and listened to. I am therefore very happy with my decision to study German with you in Heidelberg!

Courtesy of Mrs Bianca Surd

» Ich kam als Austauschstudent an die Universität Heidelberg und besuchte für sechs Monate einen Deutschkurs im Max-Weber-Haus. Dort lernte ich in einer bunten Gruppe von Kommilitonen aus verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen die deutsche Sprache von Grund auf. Nach sechs Monaten war ich in der Lage, einen einfachen Roman in der Klasse zu schreiben. Außerdem habe ich die Wunder der deutschen Kultur durch verschiedene Aktivitäten innerhalb und außerhalb des Klassenzimmers erlebt, wie z.B. das Ansehen von deutschen Theaterstücken mit meinen Dozentinnen des Max-Weber-Hauses und den Mitschülern und das Besichtigen von Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Umgebung. Neun Jahre sind seit meiner wunderbaren Erfahrung im Max-Weber-Haus und an der Universität Heidelberg vergangen. Nachdem ich drei Jahre lang als Lehrer gearbeitet habe, bin ich jetzt mit viel Energie als Berater beim Nomura Research Institute India tätig. Ich studiere immer noch Deutsch selbst, arbeite an Deutschland bezogenen Projekten und verbringe sehr produktive Tage. Das Wissen und die Erfahrungen, die ich hier gesammelt habe, werden mir nicht nur jetzt, sondern auch in Zukunft eine bessere Perspektive für meine eigene Zukunft geben.

思い出は (Omiide ha)
古橋の袂で (Furuhashi no tamoto de)
未来へとなる(Mirai heto naru)

am Rande der Alten Brücke 
werden Zukunft «

I came to Heidelberg University as an exchange student and attended a German course at the Max-Weber-Haus for six months from September 2014. There I learnt the German language from scratch in a diverse group of fellow students from different countries and regions. After six months, I was able to write a simple novel in class. I also experienced the wonders of German culture through various activities inside and outside the classroom, such as attending German stage plays with my teachers and classmates and sightseeing in the surrounding areas. Nine years have passed since my wonderful experience at the Max-Weber-Haus and Heidelberg University. After working as a teacher for three years, I am now vigorously working as a consultant at Nomura Research Institute India. I am still studying German on my own, working on Germany related projects and spending very productive days. The knowledge and experience I gained in Heidelberg will give me a better perspective for my own future, not only now but also in the future.

思い出は (Omiide ha)

古橋の袂で (Furuhashi no tamoto de)

未来へとなる(Mirai heto naru)



at the edge of the Old Bridge 

are turning into future

Courtesy of Mr Ryo Yasui